CoryxKenshin Created a Manga–And I Just Bought It

Hey guys! I’ve been in a not so fun funk experiencing post grad blues a second time and its definitely been a rollercoaster of emotions. On top of a weather change I’m actually fighting for my life, but doing my best to get by. It’s very rare I get to combine my love of manga (and anime) with talking about a Youtuber. For the first time in months, I actually have the motivation to write something on here. CoryxKenshin released a video in which he announced he was coming back. And yes, the world stopped.

Cory also disclosed that he had created a manga, and had a whole team help him with it. This isn’t a manga review since I don’t have the manga yet (I literally just ordered it this morning), but I’ll tell you guys a little bit about the manga.

Monsters We Make

Monsters We Make is a 264 page manga that follows the story of Jabari Booker who attends New Edyn Academy. Jabari believes he is attending this academy with the hope of bettering his family’s situation. When he arrives however, things take a dark turn. Jabari must now fight to survive the various monsters and secrets that haunt the halls of this seemingly dark academy. And that’s it. That’s literally all I can tell you. Cory does debut a trailer for the manga that was absolutely phenomenal, and if that’s what we saw for just a manga, then imagine what the anime would look like. Here’s the video containing the manga trailer if anyone would like to see (its fire, I promise).


I just want to touch briefly on the representation in the manga. I know we often have this tired debate on Black representation in mediums that weren’t necessarily meant for our gaze. There are many Black and Black-coded characters in anime. Some often misrepresented and some that are positive. But it’s still refreshing to see someone look like me and is positively represented in a manga or an anime. I was so happy when I seen his trailer and I thought “oh look, that kid looks like me!” And he’s a attending some cool secret academy fighting monsters. My middle school self was screaming! I was definitely the kid reading Cirque Du Freak, Fablehaven, Maximum Ride, Percy Jackson, and The Children of the Red King (seriously read this series its like HP, but WAY better). I love reading about kids traversing through strange worlds having to fight supernatural or fantasy creatures, run from secret organizations, complete tough trials, etc. It was my escapism as a nerdy Black preteen, and honestly well into young adulthood now. It’s nice to know that there are people like Cory, who also share a joy of things like this so much, he literally put his imagination down on some paper.

You can do anything!

This is also a very good representation of being truly limitless in your capabilities and talents. Here we have a man who has built a tremendous following on youtube. And he went and just made a manga, because he could. Because he believed in himself. I think that often times, our minds can be our limiters. We think we’re not capable of doing something, because our minds cant work out the logistics of it or because our minds are telling us we may fail. At least that’s been my experience. I have since learned that sometimes you quite literally just have to go do it. It’s nice to have resources available to you, but even if you don’t, there’s a step one you can take that will plunge you into whatever you want to do. You just have to tell that nagging voice in the back of your head to shush.

I’m so excited to read the manga, as I really do enjoy plots like this, and I believe he mentioned it was like a horror action manga. I’m not sure how long shipping will take, but when that book is in my hand and I’ve read all 264 pages, I will be sure to review it and share it with you guys. I’m not the best at analyzing animation (I feel like we can tell on the blog), BUT I do enjoying reading manga and discussing how I felt after them. Just cuz it’s Cory does not mean I will go easy either, and I’m sure he wants genuine feedback for his story.

I hope everyone is doing their best to take care of themselves. The winter weather change brings on depression for many, and it’s important to know how to combat it so that you can function throughout the day. If you can, try to do at least one thing today that might bring happiness or even content.

Until next post!


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