Whew I know it’s been a VERY long time since I posted, and its time for our annual life update/state of the blog post!
I hope every one of my blog mutuals have been well and if you haven’t seen me around, it’s because I have been dealing with a lot of life things (good life things!) and the blog once again had to take a backseat.
I graduated!
Most of you may not know, but for the past 2 and a half years now, I have been in graduate school to obtain my Master of Social Work to eventually become a clinically licensed social worker—-to then do therapy unsupervised meaning I have a license to practice independently. I’m so happy to finally announce that today, I picked up my diploma! I walked in May, but finished my program over the past summer due to the nature of my online program. I didn’t get to walk for my Bachelor due of COVID, so I was very happy I got to for my Masters. Here’s one of my greatest accomplishments 🙂

I have never been a fan of school. I struggled so much in undergrad, that I was very scared of how I’d fair in a Masters program. But I met some of the most phenomenal people and staff who helped me through some of my toughest times in this program. They extended me so much grace and support. It allowed me to finish my program strong and most importantly on time. I will forever be thankful to my program faculty for everything.
What’s next?
So, because of the nature of my degree I need to actually take a licensing exam. Although I am technically a therapist (under supervision), I cannot and will not claim the official title of Master level social worker until I pass my licensing exam. I’ve been cramming in the hopes that within the next few weeks a test day opens up so I can just knock it out. Very nervous since I haven’t had to take a test in years, but I’m confident I will do fine and pass the first time. Afterwards, I plan to stay in my current state for the next year working. I received a fellowship while in my program, and the stipulation for accepting the funds given to me was that I be at a community mental/behavioral health center for 1 year post grad. This little sentence started last Friday when my degree officially conferred. After I bust out this year, I’ll be leaving the midwest to go back home down south.
What I’ve been doing since I haven’t been blogging lolz
By now, if you can’t so obviously tell there’s been no posts being uploaded because y’all, I really have been BUSY these last two years. I was in school full time, working full time, doing a field practicum, part time content creation on the side, and last year I decided to be a crackhead and apply for student rep in my program and imagine my shock when I actually got the position. On top of all that, I also started a keyboard building business (tacking on yet another hobby) It was so hard to sit down and tend to my blog the way I wanted to. I sacrificed a lot of things I liked to do, to obtain my degree and in the end it was all worth it. I’m so happy that all the free time I lost these past couple of years has now been returned to me! It’s so strange to go home and not hop on a zoom class. I still have to learn to readjust to my new life now that school is no longer a priority for me. I must now create what the adults say, “work-life balance”.
I also* got my first apartment! For the majority of my 20s I have literally couch surfed at friend’s places, or had roommates. Finally for the first time ever, I live by myself. My twin brother was very nice and helped me move all my things. For the past month I have been living alone! It’s been me and 3 cats (only one of them is mine— I’m cat sitting). I have always wanted to be in my own space, as I hate living with others. At first, it was strange to be coming home and just hearing cats make noises or listen to my own thoughts. I’m slowly getting used to it. I will admit one evening I started crying because it really hit me that I live alone. Plus I have to work to keep a roof over me and my cat’s head. Working is no fun but not going to complain!
What’s the state of the blog?
This post formally serves as an official comeback of me posting on my beloved blog! There’s so much anime and manga that I need to catch up on and I’m just so excited to be writing on here again. I’m so excited to just be able to do something that’s not school related really. I suck at schedules but want to try and flesh out a solid posting schedule since I have all this free time before and after work. I still do content creation, and I’ve grown very popular on tik tok with my desk setup. I also started back streaming on twitch again as well, so essentially I want to make time for all my hobbies without burning myself out because I also run a business now too! I’m ready to get back into blogging and reading other people’s posts as well! I really do apologize for being a ghost and I hope no one is upset if I haven’t been reading or commenting on posts. I truly feel like I’ve been in survival mode these past two years and now I just want to practice living and doing things I enjoy.
I hope everyone has been taking care of themselves. Until next post!