
Comfort Anime I watch when I’m Sadge

Reminder to please take care of yourself in any way you can because you are important.


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Manga is kinda expensive but here’s my updated haul?

Alright we’re trying this thing where I integrate my different platforms (I may be also trying to cheat, and meet my two post minimum for the month). Here’s a video I made a week ago, on all the updated manga I’ve bought/collected so far. I’m not ashamed to admitted that I may have been sad, […]


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Spoilers. Lemme Ask the Audience.

How do we feel about those who spoil anime or manga? Tell me your thoughts!


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My Physical Manga Collection (So Far)

A semi short post about the physical manga I’ve been collecting.


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Murray Chrysler!!!!

Happy Holidaze from BlerdyOtaku! Remember to stay safe and wear your mask!


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